- I hope we can put up our Christmas tree together so I can have the chance to put the stars on the top of the tree.
- I wish that someone will still scratch my back till I get to sleep.
- I hope that my mom will still bake cake for me.
- I look forward for family picture before going to church and I’m so excited to post it in my friendster account.
- I’m expecting Santa’s gift this Christmas even though I already caught mama and papa putting something in our tree.
- I anticipate my dad’s grilled liempo or porkchop, (mmm…yummy)
- I wish mama and papa won’t buy me dress or skirt for Christmas.
- I’m looking forward for the Christmas mass that we always attend to as a family.
- I anticipate the midnight meal where we used to eat together during Christmas eve.
- For my last wish, I hope my mom and dad is still together, so we can do all those nice stuff together, as a family, as one.
It’s a simple wish list that I know will be impossible and won’t come true. I hope, I anticipate, I look forward to, I expect and I wish that I can experience all those things even for the last time, even in just a dream.